Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chronicles of SPAVia

Lot has been going in college for its preparation for International Workshop on River front Development. Students and faculty were busy face-lifting college, painting walls and designing halls. Everyone seemed excited about all the developments at college, except us, the planners... We were busy locked up inside our studios discussing strategies for next presentation or revising Raktim's lessons to prepare for class discussions. It feels so rueful to contribute nothing while others are creating campus for us.

Inspired from Rohit's fb post, I decided to try Japanese secret of healthy living, to start a day with 4 glasses of water before even brushing. They say it can even prevent fatal diseases! I tried and I ended up with a leaky bladder, had to pee every half an hour or so, and almost survived from bursting off my kidneys after getting stuck in Raktim's Theory discussion session. I had to gather my guts and storm out of the class in time to save myself without any damages.


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