Saturday, June 21, 2014 0 comments


June 16

12.00 AM

It was her birthday and I was in a dilemma if I should go wish her right then and make me look quite desperate, or wait and pretend I couldn’t care less.  But I haven’t seen her online in Facebook since a while. I was convincing myself there was no use rushing up. That’s when my Whatsapp buzzed.

“Did you wish her?” It was Fidal. Someone was really interested in my crush tales.

“Is she online?” For some reasons I couldn’t see her profile picture or last seen status on Whatsapp. What if she had blocked me, foreseeing the trouble I could produce? But hey! I didn’t even bothered her with a “hi” till now! To add to the pain, Fidal send me a screenshot to prove that he could see her profile picture. I rechecked her number. Not fair!

“Dude, I wished her.” Fidal teased.

“Is she online?”

“Yeah, wish her through SMS.” He encouraged me, but that would still be desperate.

“What’s she doing late night, ask her to go and sleep.” I was furious convinced that she had blocked me.

“Remember that post, somewhere someone is flirting with my future wife?” He reminded me of the meme where this troll face was laughing over this painful thought.


The crying smiley in Whatsapp is a bit exaggerated, but I was wounded nonetheless.

“Dude, it’s her birthday! Maybe that’s why she is online.” He consoled me.

I checked my blocked contacts list. It was empty except for this guy who kept on adding me to his annoying group every time I leave. I have been nice to people. God, I didn’t deserve this! That’s when I saw the privacy settings in Whatsapp. One could opt to show the profile only to the people in the contact list, or choose to completely turn it off. That must be it! I was relieved.

“Man, I think it’s just that she doesn’t have my contact. She would never block me!” I conceited.

“May your faith protect you!” He mocked. “Man, give it a shot.”

“Patience! Maybe tomorrow.” I still didn’t want to look desperate in front of her.

“Dude, you are hopeless.” He sighed (in my imagination). “This is the moment! Wish her before she sleeps.” He insisted.

“Okay!” I took a deep breathe.

“Good luck” He wished me with the smiley with stuck out tongue and a popped up eye.

12.50 AM

“Happy B’day! :D” I texted her. Time slowed, pressure raised.

“Dude she hasn’t replied yet.” I needed moral support from Fidal.

“She will. Probably a ‘Thanks bro’ ”. He reminded me of the worst case scenario.

I locked the screen, closed my eyes, and waited impatiently for the notification buzz. After a horrendously long wait, the screen lit up.

12.51 AM

“Thnk u…” She had replied with a blushing face smiley. “Paradon.. whu r u?” Again the blushing smiley. Her spellings were horrible. I was too excited to concentrate that I read her message ‘whr r u?’ Maybe she was too worried that I hadn’t decided on any firm for internship till the semester end. But I had to show my achievement to Fidal.

“Dude! It’s a goal!” I spammed him along with a screenshot.

He just sent back three ‘speak no evil’ monkey smileys.

“What are you waiting for? Go sleep man!” Now that I was through, I needed him no longer.

“Trivandrum. Regional Palnning Office.” I texted her. Excitement affected my texting too.

“Sorry, I didn’t get you.”

“Oh oops! Planning.” I corrected. “Wait! What?” What did she not understand?  I read the conversation again. Oh shit!

“Is this Muqthar ka?” I liked the sound of ‘ka’ at the end. I secretly wished that she would call me “ikka”. Meanwhile Fidal texted me that she had asked him whose number this was.

“Perfect.” I sent her a poker face. As I was typing that this was my Kerala number, she made another guess.

“Or Sruthi chechi?”

“This is my home number.”

“Still confused…” She was already sweating from what smileys conveyed.

“I thought you asked me ‘where are you’… It’s Muqthar here.” It was my turn at sweating smiley.

“Got it, sorry.” grinning smiley and laughing smiley followed.

“Fidal told me.” I accidently slipped out the information that Fidal was working as my agent.

“Sorry that I had to ask him, I was confused.” She apologized. (And later Fidal texted me that she had chided him for selling her away.)

“So, how’s your internship going” she changed the subject.

“Not bad, I will be helping in a master plan preparation.” I didn’t tell her I will be playing with ward wise population census figures in MS Excel and conjuring enigmatic bar graphs and pie charts.

“What about yours?” I had to pretend I was concerned. She had asked my advice on deciding firms to do her internship, though she considered none of my suggestions. “I don’t want to be away from home”, she had said, to the point that she discarded the one I had suggested for it was 20 minutes away from her home, and she instead went for the one 10 minutes close to her home.

“Mine is boring!” Well, what was she thinking when she choose Planning for her career?

“What kind of work?” I asked.

“Taking photostat…”

Buhaha! I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. What a perfect way to spend your holidays! This is what happens when you don’t listen to your elders’ advices.

“Who’s that baby in your DP? Cute baby!” She deviated the topic again. One advantage of uploading your baby niece’s photo for your profile picture is that you get much attention from your opposite sex.

“My niece.”

“Oh, I didn't know your sister was married” We were already discussing family. That was quick, but hey! I had already wasted two years on nothing.

“The eldest one is.”

“I thought you only had one sister.”

“How come you know ‘one’ of my sisters?”

“I have seen her commenting on your Facebook photos.” See. I wasn’t the only one stalking around.

The conversation went on about my family members and what they were doing, until she exclaimed “Omg! Big family.” Yeah, we needed a Whatsapp group to stay in touch. Since I had already met her family, it saved me some formality. Meanwhile I updated Fidal with the progress I had made. He warned me to play it slow, while taking the credit for it. I neglected his advice. He should be sleeping, it was 1.30 AM already! Wait! Why wasn’t ‘she’ asleep?  

“When do you sleep?” I asked her suspiciously.

“I usually sleep by 10. I woke up due to calls today.” She reasoned. Good girl, I told myself. (Later I checked the facts stalking her profile every night. She was last seen at 10.47 PM next day, but the following three days, she had turned off her last seen status at night and turned it on back by morning. Now, that is fishy. Very fishy!)

We bitched about faculties. She gave me tips on how to flatter them, how to smile at them like retard and act innocent, to get on their good side, as if I didn’t know. But recently, things haven’t been so smooth for me, for obvious reasons. But she was one of the class topper, what could she possibly hold against faculties? No matter how good you score, you still have to complain about them.

That is when my stomach betrayed me. My tummy and my mouth weren’t on good terms since few days. By the time I had settled them down and returned, she had went offline, leaving a ‘Gud nyt’ behind. I would like to reason that she got disheartened by my long silence.

It was 2.13 AM.

“Muqthareeee!” Fidal had some news for me.

“Dude, she slept!” I sighed.

“What did you expect?" Hmm... That she would keep me awake till Brazil's match begun. "Between, we were talking about you!”

It seemed he was teasing her with my name and he asked her why she wasn’t friendly with much guys including me. ‘Some guys are vicious by thoughts. But not Muqtharka. I know he is good, even my Papa told me. It’s you guys who are spoiling him.’ She had replied. He showed me the screenshots of their conversation. So, they have been talking about me at her home.

If I wasn’t staying at this paying guest sharing my room with a stranger, I would have danced around like a mad man and brought down the house. Now that I had a ‘good guy’ certificate from her dad, I was half way through.

But the biggest hurdle was still on. I had to win ‘he isn’t that good after all’ certificate from her. Man! Why didn’t her birthday happen earlier?

Sunday, June 1, 2014 0 comments


Psychologists say an average crush won’t sustain for more than 4 months. And it’s been two years I’m hopelessly on a ‘crush’ over her. Another study say that it take men 8.2 seconds to fall in love, while women need 14 days for the same. I kept true to my manly trait, but she already took 700 days off the calendars and she is still counting. It’s ironic when crush could also mean ‘to press or squeeze something so hard that it breaks or loses its shape’. This Facebook app thinks I’m good at logical thinking. And here, I can figure no logic, no reasons to be helplessly intimidated by her.

Looking back, I was this excited kid after the fresher year, eager to meet the new fresher batch, and I see this girl, I did the feasibility studies, she ticked all columns for me. She was pretty and nice, from my state, and of my culture. So I simply decided she will be the one for me. I must have been carried away by all those romantic movies. My excitement was too loud that my jobless friends found entertainment in me, and they messed things up beautifully for me, forcing her to write me love letter, and to blow up balloons for my birthday and to call me to wish me a speedy recovery when I was sick and bedridden at home. That’s when I realised I had exhausted all my courage and damaged the stability of my mind, that I couldn’t face her anymore. Instead I vainly stalked her Facebook profile hopelessly to find something interesting than the flowers and skies in her cover pic album. I envied the guys who could talk to her and not go all numb. I got high when my friends reported she mentioned my name among her favourite seniors, and went depressed when I was soon dropped out of the list. She must have smelled trouble, she had her friend to hint me that she wasn’t interested in whatever I was up to.

Maturity hits me in sine waves. I would be a total retard someday, and next day I would be embarrassed looking back at my dumbness. In one of those waves, I had a retrospection and I told myself my crush was ridiculous. She is smart and I am this socially dumb guy. She is a topper and I barely survive semesters. She is a godly woman and I am a skeptic. But you see, opposite energies attract, pure physics. I reminded myself that it’s too much trouble convincing families, that there is too much responsibilities on me that I needed to focus on. And then I see her in the corridor, grinning wide, her thin lips giving away to reveal her gums, and I get a heart ache. Two walls apart, she grows prettier every day and I ask myself why would I want to miss this beauty in my life. And then she haunted me in my dream. And next morning, I was back to the retard I was. She disturbed my dreams half a dozen more times since then.

I foolishly get excited for the times I had caught her stealing stares at me, while passing her, or for the smirk on her friends’ face when I am around. I was floating over clouds when I came to know about this senior guy who had proposed her, and she didn't just turn him down, but stopped talking to him at all. She was no player, but mine! She forces this smile on her face every time I confront her, and I wish I could read her mind. She dresses more beautiful every day and I feel like I am a bee being drawn to a flower’s beauty. (Talking about the flower and bee, Binil and I had a discussion that when a flower attracts a bee with its beauty, isn’t the flower actually cheating on the male plant? Nature itself is crooked by its ways!) I childishly wish that she is showing me signs, but I am too scared to make a move. (Background Music: Dil to bachcha hai ji) Just her presence around makes me content, and when she leaves, there is this frustration inside, at my helplessness.

But Paulo Coelho says “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.” And here I am mad at universe for not visibly conspiring to help me from the hopeless position I am in.  