Sunday, May 18, 2014

Storm is coming!

I am usually not among the kind who backbite their teachers. But recently, my faculties have been too vexing, I was losing my cool. After all the efforts I had put on to my studio sheets for the internal jury of sixth semester, first, they didn't let me explain the sheets, instead picked random students for the job, and then, when they failed to answer their questions, they simply wrote me down as inefficient.  

I was working on the studio report too, and they had given me a tight deadline. And when I finally managed to gather up works of all students and pull it up in a proper shape in to the report, I had already closed my deadline by a day. When I approached the available faculty with the report, he asked me to mail it to him. 

"Muqthar Ahmed <>
May 17 (1 day ago)
to maqbool, aparna, raktimray
Kindly see the attachments.
2 Attachments
Studio Report 3rd Year planning.pdf"

"Raktim Ray
May 17 (1 day ago)
to me, aparna, maqbool
Dear Muqthar,
Its extreme pleasure for me that you made a serious effort to send the report to me through mail. Its better I suggest to give your (the entire class) jury through mail or some virtual media. So I believe there is no point to call jury members from various parts of India by spending government money. I am requesting the exam section as well as Sudhakar to cancel all the bookings for the jury members. Good luck to your overenthusiastic and benevolent effort. Have some fun in the weekend and coming days bearing the scorching heat of Vijayawada."

What a satire! I was no less good at it.

"Muqthar Ahmed <>
1:32 PM (7 hours ago)
to Raktim, aparna, maqbool
Respected Sir,
I am honoured.
What would I have not done to submit to you the report physically! After giving us an insensible deadline of Friday, that's when the class had finally done its sheets, we needed time to sit and compile the whole thing into report, and after a sleepless night, when the report was ready, it was already Saturday and you were nowhere available.  So when I went to Maqbool sir with the report for his feedback, he asked me to make few corrections and 'MAIL' him the report. And when I asked him if he needed a hard copy, he said "NOT NECESSARY".
"Over-enthusiasm" made me forward the report to all my Studio coordinators, expecting their comments to improve upon, before the report will be finalised. But I was wrong to hope that there must have been professional communication between my studio coordinators.
Thanking you for the wishes."

Rohit warned me I had went over board. 

"Raktim Ray
1:49 PM (7 hours ago)
to me, aparna, maqbool
Oh really insensible deadline. Wat if u don't attend the jury physically. I guess u'll really appreciate that. Yes professionalism is a thing to learn from someone who has missed all the deadlines and has 40% attendance in a theory subject. It was very clear from the beginning that I'll not be available during weekends. And this is not our holy and pious duty to make us available all the time as per your convenience."

Oh please, where's your humour now?

2:12 PM (7 hours ago)
to me, Raktim, aparna
The date of submission of report was conveyed long back and it was as a class your are at fault, you may need another semester time to complete the report work. As a coordinator, i reviewed your report at eleventh hour and suggested my comments.
My intention of submission of hard copy "NOT NECESSARY" was however you are going to submit your final report to jury on Monday and I thought it doesn't require right know to spend money for taking prints again at a draft stage thats it.
Secondly you are not professional and competent enough to decide and talk about us which is very bad to hear this thing from you even after considering attendance and overall performance in your studio.I think it was our mistake to show more concern towards you.
Never expected this atleast from you.

Or maybe... I crossed my limits.

2:21 PM (6 hours ago)
to me, Raktim, maqbool
Dear Muqtaar,
As your studio coordinator and your teacher, who has been giving her energy and time, just to ensure that you know nothing less than what a student should know at your stage, I advice you to learn the art of remaining polite, in all odds.
The deadline was not impossible at all. Nobody would ever know it better than your studio coordinators.
Professionalism clearly talks about following deadlines. Your batch, which very much includes you, has never been able to keep to the deadlines. Does that sound professional, to bunk classes and studio hours for sports events, INYAN and other co-curricular activities? Still your coordinators have patiently managed all the internal reviews, just to help your batch not depend on a the internal final jury, for complete 100 marks.
But definitely this teaches me , Raktim and Maqbul that we should not think about students' ease but rather be professional with teaching hours, jury marks, studio deadlines and most of all attendance.
The message shall reach all.
Probably the equation of respecting each other has been distorted by you. I do not consider you as one student. For me you are a part of your batch. Thus the message should go to all your classmates.


Dang! What trouble had I got myself in to.

I sent them an apology right then, explaining how I meant them to take it with the same humour, and that I meant no disgrace, and how it was my fault, and not my batch's. But the damage was done.  When I showed my friends the conversation, some where frank enough to blame me on my face. Some took the opportunity to conspire against me from my behind, while the rest were enjoying the show, they encouraged me.

Next day, at the college, I went to them personally to apologize.

"It's okay, I am busy, You may leave." The satirist gave up on me.

"Don't ruin my mood yaar, just leave!" Ma'am had already declared a war on our batch.

I was restless whole day, so I went back to them the next day.

"Sir, I didn't mean to disrespect anyone, I just replied him at the same humour." I explained to Maqbool sir.

"I already left the matter, man. It's okay". He was the coolest among the three.

One down, two to go.

"Ma'am, I am sorry!" The faculties were all busy on their computers at the lab. Only Aparna ma'am was cool enough to acknowledge my presence.

"Don't feel bad about it 'beta', we all make our mistakes, it's just that it took us some time to realize our mistake. Enjoy your holidays." That was very deep. They had  concluded being friendly with us, the students, was their mistake. I heard Raktim sir coughing at her behind me when I left.

I can almost foresee a tough semester ahead for me.


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